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Deposit ERC20 (Myria) Tokens

Learn how to deposit ERC20 tokens from Ethereum L1 to Myria L2 network.


  • ERC20 Token must be registered to Myria system
  • Have some tokens on Ethereum L1 (testnet or mainnet) in the Myria wallet

Deposit ERC20 Process

Deposit journey in Myria would have following steps in system:

1. Grant on-chain approval to allow Myria to interact with your token address.

The step is to give the Myria permissions to use the on-chain funds on your token address.

2. Deposit on-chain.

Deposit on-chain tokens to Myria's Starkware smart contract.

3. Deposit off-chain.

Submit the transaction hash to Myria's system to enable your Myria L2 wallet to utilize the on-chain funds.



You can find the full React implementation for Deposit ERC20 tokens in the Myria React Samples repository.

1. Set up a React project

Depositing ERC20 tokens requires client-side interaction with the MetaMask wallet. It's recommended to use React to implement such behavior.

You can create a React app via Create React App. Note, the below project relies on the Web3.js library and needs custom configuration.

2. Create a myria-client.ts helper

It's recommended to have a separate .ts file for quick access to the MyriaClient.

For more details, use the Myria Core SDK overview.

3. Deposit tokens

import { MyriaClient, IMyriaClient, EnvTypes } from "myria-core-sdk";
import Web3 from 'web3';

(async (): Promise<void> => {
// define the environment: STAGING or PRODUCTION

async function initializeWeb3() {
return new Web3(Web3.givenProvider);

function convertEthToWei(amount: string): string {
if (!amount || Number(amount) === 0) return '0';

return Web3.utils.toWei(amount.toString()).toString();

async function getMyriaModuleFactory() {
let windowBrowser;
if (window && window.ethereum) {
windowBrowser = await initializeWeb3();
} else {
const env = EnvTypes.STAGING;
const networkId = await;

const client: IMyriaClient = {
provider: windowBrowser.eth.currentProvider as any,
web3: windowBrowser as any,

console.log('Current provider => ', client.provider);

const myriaClient = new MyriaClient(client);
return ModuleFactory.getInstance(myriaClient);

async function depositERC20ToMyria() {
// Get deposit module
const moduleFactory = getMyriaModuleFactory();
const depositModule = moduleFactory.getDepositModule();

const amountToDeposit = 10; // This is pure amount to deposit eg: 10 MYRIA tokens, 10 RUSH

// Deposit Execution for ERC20
const depositParams: DepositERC20Params = {
starkKey: 'Stark key of L2 wallet from developer/users';
contractAddress: 'Your ERC20 token address';
amount: convertEthToWei(amountToDeposit); // This is mandatory step to convert normal amount to Wei amount before proceeding
ethAddress: 'Your metamask wallet address';

const depositResultResp = await depositModule.depositERC20(depositParams);
console.log('depositResultResp =>>', depositResultResp);


The `depositErc20()` function has the following parameters:
1. `params` object:
- `starkKey` - the Stark Key of your wallet
- `contractAddress` - contract address of the token to deposit
- `amount` - the amount of tokens to deposit
- `ethAddress` - the public key of your wallet
2. `sendOptions` object:
- `from` - public key of your wallet (Metamask wallet)
- `confirmationType` - confirmation type