


Name Type Attributes Description
requestId string

Unique request ID to query the minting batch contains the list of minted assets

partnerRefId string

Project ID that developer or partners mint NFTs inside

groupRequestId string

Unique group request ID and it contains multiple request IDs for bulk mint async and we can use this field for re-query the list of minted transactions later on

requestDescription string

The details description for minting request that the partner/developer can put into for tracking and mapping in their system

accountId string

The Myria user ID (unique and identical for account) - Partner/Developer can find it in the Dev Portal

collectionId number

The ID of collection that NFTs will be mint under

assets Array.<MintAssetErc721Info>

List of minted asset request data

isSupportGetBulkMetadata boolean

The flag to enable for getting bulk metadata (Should always be true)

fees Array.<FeeData> <nullable>

The fee data (percentage, receipt address and feeType)

  • For example, if the percentage is 5:
  • For every purchased transaction, if seller (non-creator) would receive 95% of listing price, (creator) would receive 5%
  • In case of the seller is the creator, seller/creator would receive the full 100% of listing price

View Source types/MintTypes.ts, line 99