


Withdraw off-chain params

Name Type Attributes Description
starkKey string

The identify stark key (L2-wallet address) for the wallet user

ethAddress string

The ethereum address wallet of users (Metamask / Trust Wallet...)

tokenType TokenType

The type of Token (ETH / ERC20 / ERC721 / MINTABLE_ERC20 / MINTABLE_ERC721)

quantum string <nullable>

Default quantum number 10^10

amount string

The wei amount of the withdrawal token

  • quantizedAmount = (weiAmount) / 10^10 (quantizedAmount = weiAmount/quantum)
  • weiAmount = quantizedAmount * 10^10 (weiAmount = quantizedAmount * quantum)
tokenAddress string <nullable>

Token address with the pointed deployed smart contract address (ERC20 / ERC_721)

vaultId string <nullable>

The unique vault ID to locate and identify the fund of users in the on-chain

tokenId string <nullable>

The unique token ID to identify the NFTs (this param is only required for NFT assets)

nonce number <nullable>

The unique nonce number to identify the unique on-chain transactions

View Source types/WithdrawType.ts, line 7