


Withdraw offchain params V2 (latest function)

Name Type Attributes Description
senderPublicKey string

The identical stark key of user (who directly make the withdrawal transactions)

senderEthAddress string

The ethereum address wallet of users (Metamask / Trust Wallet...)

receiverPublicKey string

The ethereum wallet address of users (The on-chain wallet address that user would receive the tokens)

quantum string

Default quantum number 10^10 for some of tokens calculation amounts

amount string

The wei amount of the withdrawal token

  • quantizedAmount = (weiAmount) / 10^10 (quantizedAmount = weiAmount/quantum)
  • weiAmount = quantizedAmount * 10^10 (weiAmount = quantizedAmount * quantum)
tokenAddress string <nullable>

Token address with the pointed deployed smart contract address (ERC20 / ERC_721)

tokenType TokenType

Type of token (ETH / ERC20 / MINTABLE_ERC20 / ERC721 / MINTABLE_ERC721)

tokenId string <nullable>

The unique token ID to identify the NFTs (this param is only required for NFT assets)

View Source types/WithdrawType.ts, line 25